Have you got something you’d like to ask me, Bill Harzia? What do you think of my adventures, inside Max? Is it fun being a Germ? What’s a Red Blood Cell Car like to drive? Is it really creepy inside Castle Brainstorm? And why doesn’t Psychosis like anyone?
Well, now you can send me a message! I’d love to hear from you – simply type your question below. But don’t forget to include your name and email address, otherwise I can’t reply!
Alternatively, if you’d like to contact the creator of Bill Harzia and his ‘Small Stories’, Andrew Moss, you can email me at bhpsmallstories@gmail.com
Send to Bill!
Thank you for your message – I'll reply as soon as I can!
Infectious Entertainment!
'Bill Harzia's Small Stories' copyright ©2012 - 2024 Andrew Moss. All rights reserved. Registered in England.
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