In days of yore (actually, when Max was just a toddler, to be precise), majestic, square-rigged galleons sailed the Great Acid Ocean deep in Max's stomach, laden with their precious cargo of all-powerful 'Golden Rusks' – the fabled "Pieces of Ate"! Day after day and night after night they carried it, from the port city of Duodenum to the factories of his small intestine on the far shore.
The greatest and most famous of all these ships was the 'Dyspepsia', her daring exploits and those of her crew becoming legendary both far and near!
But danger lurked unseen on that vast ocean – pirates! Most famous and most feared of all was Cap'n Blackhead, Master of the 'Bad Breath', and his band of blood-thirsty brigands, for Blackhead had vowed to steal all the priceless "Pieces of Ate" for himself – and ne'er would he rest until he'd done so!
And so out of a haze of halitosis did the 'Bad Breath' appear on that fateful night, and opened fire on the 'Dyspepsia' with a most terrible broadside!
But I'm giving away the story! See for yourself what REALLY happened in 'The Ballad of Blackhead the Pirate'! (Hint: click on the link below!)
Infectious Entertainment!
'Bill Harzia's Small Stories' copyright ©2012 - 2024 Andrew Moss. All rights reserved. Registered in England.
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