Occupation: 10-year-old schoolboy. Attends Fleming Junior High School.
Home: Max lives with his parents in a nice detached house in a nice street in a nice, quiet town.
Best friend: Rooney the Dog.
Likes: Rooney the Dog; all sports (especially football and basketball).
Dislikes: Homework; girls; his Dad’s new job.
Most likely to say: “C’mon Rooney!”; “Hey Dad! Come and play ball with me and Rooney!”
Not likely to say: “Yay – extra maths homework again!”
But is he a good friend? Yes! He loves dogs, playing football and generally hanging out with his mates, like any 10-year-old boy – but especially hanging out with Rooney.
Rooney the Dog
Occupation: Dog – a boy’s best friend in the world.
Home: Lives with Max and his parents.
Best friend: Max – obviously!
Likes: Playing with Max; chasing cats; going for walks
Dislikes: Seeing Max unhappy; cats; vets
Most likely to say: “Aarf?”
Not likely to say: “Mee-oow?”
But is he a good friend? He’s a dog – of course he is! A dog is a boy’s best friend: he’s loyal, faithful and always wants to play.
Max’s Dad
Occupation: Has a very important job in the offices of a large international company.
Home: A nice detached house in a nice street in a nice, quiet town, with his wife, Max and Rooney.
Best friend: Definitely not his younger brother, Dave!
Likes: Max; Max’s Mom; Rooney; his job.
Dislikes: His brother Dave; letting Max down when he’s promised to play ball with him.
Most likely to say: “I can’t play ball now, Max – I’m sorry.”
Not likely to say: “It’s Sunday so I’m not going to work!”
But is he a good friend? When he has the time, yes. He loves to play ball games with Max and Rooney, but since his big promotion he doesn’t have enough time to be a really great Dad – it’s such a shame.
Max’s Mom
Occupation: Full-time Mom. (But does manage some part time work in a local store.)
Home: A nice detached house in a nice street in a nice, quiet town, with her husband, Max and Rooney.
Best friend: Max’s Dad – obviously!
Likes: Max; Max’s Dad; going on holiday as family
Dislikes: Uncle Dave; Max, his Dad and Rooney ruining her garden when they play football.
Most likely to say: “If you’re sure, Max.”; “Come out of there, Rooney!”
Not likely to say: “Of course you can stay up late to watch the football on a school night, Max.”; “We must invite Uncle Dave to stay again soon.”
But is she a good friend? She’s a dedicated Mom, so yes!
Uncle Dave
Occupation: Annoying distant relative. (Although not nearly “distant” enough…) Doesn’t have a proper occupation and hasn’t worked for years.
Home: Moved to California a long time ago, to make his fortune. (He’s not been trying very hard though.)
Likes: Taking it easy; being a ‘surf dude’.
Dislikes: Working; being responsible; being made to behave like a grown-up.
Most likely to say: “Sorry, dude!”
Not likely to say: “Leave that – I’ll get it!”
But is he a good friend? He’s loud, lazy, irresponsible and generally a pain, so we’d have to say no. His brother, Max’s Dad, hasn’t seen him for a long time – and he hopes it’ll be a long time before he sees him again.
Infectious Entertainment!
'Bill Harzia's Small Stories' copyright ©2012 - 2024 Andrew Moss. All rights reserved. Registered in England.
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