Castle Brainstorm is home to the Germs, and has belonged to Psychosis’ family for generations. It’s right up in the top of Max’s head, in his brain, and is built from Grey Matter. It’s really big too; big enough for all the Germs to live in it together with an army of Legionnaires, and there’s even Psychosis’ secret laboratories, deep down in the (quite scary) dark Catacombs. You wouldn’t want to go down there on your own, late at night. Or at any time really.
OK, so what is “Grey Matter”?
“Grey matter” is a light-hearted term often used to mean the brain, yet there really is such a substance. It forms a major part of the central nervous system and contains most of the brain’s neural cells. Grey matter is found in the areas of the brain that look after muscle control, seeing, hearing, memory, emotions, speech, decision-making and self-control.
The Catacombs
Have you ever tried to tell someone something that’s really important, but just as you get to the crucial point you find you can’t remember what it was? It’s very frustrating, but the thought that you’ve forgotten hasn’t actually vanished – it’s probably down here, in The Catacombs!
You see, deep under Castle Brainstorm there are miles and miles of dark, winding (and quite scary, to be honest!) passageways. And, occasionally, a thought travelling through the brain can mistakenly take a wrong turning and get lost down here instead.
This is why you forget things, because the thought you wanted to find can’t find its way back out, instead wandering around in endless tunnels in vain. But sometimes it gets lucky and does find its way out – which is when you suddenly remember that fact you were trying to tell someone in the first place!
Psychosis’ Laboratory
No self-respecting mad scientist (sorry – “Evil Genius”) should be without his very own scientific laboratory. Here, in perfect peace and solitude, he can create the diabolical schemes, potions and gizmos that every megalomaniac needs to take over the World. (You have to admire his ambition.)
And so it is with Psychosis. Deep in the bowels of his ancestral home, Castle Brainstorm, he toils day and night (mostly night, actually, ’cos it’s creepier), amongst the crackling machinery and bubbling flasks, with only his servant, Igor, to do his bidding. He’s forbidden the Germs from going into his lab, you see. But quite honestly – would you want to?!
Infectious Entertainment!
'Bill Harzia's Small Stories' copyright ©2012 - 2024 Andrew Moss. All rights reserved. Registered in England.
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